Monday, June 20, 2011

How to put down your hand things louis vuitton

There is a thief, and one day into night a zen home steal, happened to be is prayer, so the abbe abbe found to his judgment: "down with xiao you hand things! Now look back in time, god will forgive what you did, otherwise, the gates of heaven, will you shut down for ever!"

Behold, the thief but replied, "heaven door to close down, let it shut up! Anyway, I 'expertise' is to open the door." louis vuitton handbags 

Neil Alexander downer. Walter make friends with god in the book "wrote:" I won't "take" any I have things. I've learned is that when I got something, I will lose it, and if I 'to' love, I might be no love, if I 'take' money, it has no value, want to experience "has' anything, the only way is to put it off."

In fact, take place every day in our life around a lot, often just can't put down tragedy from hand already have "things" a: some people that can't let go of money, some people can't let go of love, some people can't let go of fame and wealth, some people are not put down should not grasping inflexible.

However, if you can understand "down" the truth, you will have a kind of like the feeling of weight interpretation. Because only learned to put down, to master the hearts of the door, the door of heaven, will open up for yourself. Besides, a life, if you can't leave some is not very essential things down, your "life" will soon bags, no space to shelved the thing you really need. louis vuitton outlet 

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