Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chinese elite and the American elite huge

"About China," the most thought-provoking view is of psychology. 

It proposed to the Chinese elite and the American elite huge 

cultural differences from worries: Chinese elite can find 2000 years 

of history, and American elite can inspire the historical reference 

only two hundred years more. In kissinger opinion, through 

sanctions for revenge China is very naive: "for a built around 

different ideas about it, western ancient civilization the concept of 

human rights and individual freedom may is hard to understand 

directly to Chinese. We also can't always to political unrest worries 

sniffy, think that this is an out-of-date absurd idea, just through 

the western enlightenment to" correct "line." As China's President 

jiang zemin can speak English in 1991 to kissinger said: "we never 

give in to pressure... this is a kind of philosophical principles."

Cultural differences and trouble

The United States and China war on the Korean peninsula is due 

to another kind of cultural differences. MAO ordered Chinese 

military intervention to let the United States congress, because the 

military situation seems surprised to China too adverse. But 

kissinger said, MAO's "motivation doesn't start will give the enemy 

a critical strike, but to alter the psychological balance. Not so much 

to defeat the enemy should be called to change the enemy of risk 

assessment method." MAO was playing "KongChengJi" an expert, 

this is a kind of through make confidence even offensive style to 

hide vulnerable tactics. In western view, he insists not afraid the 

atomic bombings seems to be mad performance, at least is ruthless 

(" dozen nuclear, must die many people, we may lose three million 

people, what's the matter? Even so, we still can finally win the 

war... ") but this is typical of Chinese bluff, or rather "aggressive 


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